24–28 Aug 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Negotiating DMA-BUF Heaps

27 Aug 2020, 08:00
BOF1/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Birds of a Feather (BoF) BOFs Session


Ezequiel Garcia (Collabora, Ltd.)


With the introduction of DMA-BUF Heaps,
the kernel has introduced a fairly generic API
for applications and drivers to request memory
that can be used for DMA operations.

Currently, two DMA-BUF Heaps backends (system and
CMA) are available and a bunch of others are being
explored and proposed for mainline inclusion.

However, the current design seems to imply applications
know beforehand which heap is suitable for its needs.
While this might play well for system-specific applications,
it doesn't offer a generic solution for generic,
system-agnostic applications.

The goal of this BoF is to discuss what
are the expectations for a DMA-BUF Heap generic negotiation
interface that can be used by in-kernel and applications

In addition to this, we'd like to discuss the future
of DMA-BUF heaps, are they meant to be used by current allocators,
such as GEM/TTM and Videobuf2?

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Primary author

Ezequiel Garcia (Collabora, Ltd.)

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