9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Programmable socket lookup with BPF

9 Sept 2019, 12:45
Floriana/room-I (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Jakub Sitnicki (Cloudflare) Lorenz Bauer (Cloudflare) Marek Majkowski (Cloudflare)


At Netconf 2019 we have presented a BPF-based alternative to steering
packets into sockets with iptables and TPROXY extension. A mechanism
which is of interest to us because it allows (1) services to share a
port number when their IP address ranges don't overlap, and (2) reverse
proxies to listen on all available port numbers.

The solution adds a new BPF program type BPF_INET_LOOKUP, which is
invoked during the socket lookup. The BPF program is able to steer SKBs
by overwriting the key used for listening socket lookup. The attach
point is associated with a network namespace.

Since then, we have been reworking the solution to follow the existing
pattern of using maps of socket references for redirecting packets, that
is REUSEPORT_SOCKARRAY, SOCKMAP, or XSKMAP. We expect to publish the
next version of BPF_INET_LOOKUP RFC patch set, which addresses the
feedback from Netconf, in August.

During LPC 2019 BPF Microconference we would like to briefly recap on
how BPF-driven socket lookup compares to classic bind()-based dispatch,
TPROXY packet steering, and socket dispatch on TC ingress currently in
development by Cilium.

Next we would like discuss low-level implementation challenges. How to
best ensure that packet delivery to connected UDP sockets remains
unaffected? Can a BPF_INET_LOOKUP program co-exist with reuseport
groups? Is there a possibility of code sharing with REUSEPORT_SOCKARRAY

Following the implementation discussion, we will touch on performance
aspects, that is what is the observed cost of running BPF during socket
lookup both in SYN flood and UDP flood scenarios.

Finally, we want to go into the usability of user-space API. Redirection
with a BPF map of sockets raises a question who populates the map, and
if existing network applications like NGINX need to be modified in any
way to receive traffic steered with this new mechanism.

The desired outcome of the discussion is to identify steps needed to
graduate the patch set from an RFC series to a ready-for-review

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Primary authors

Jakub Sitnicki (Cloudflare) Lorenz Bauer (Cloudflare) Marek Majkowski (Cloudflare)

Presentation materials

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