9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Taking RISC-V to the Datacenter

9 Sept 2019, 13:00
Jade/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Keith Packard (SiFive)


What's it going to take to allow us to make the benefits of the RISC-V
architecture available in centralized computing systems? Are there some
things we need to be working on right now to pave the way for future
success here? How can the state of the ARM architecture help us
understand this problem?

This presentation will explore the technical decisions made in designing
a data-center scale ARM server. Then, highlight the technical and
product differences between x86 and ARM systems, and show where RISC-V
is heading in relation to those. Finally, describe a few places where
focusing the RISC-V Linux architecture in a particular direction may
help enable datacenter-class machines while still allowing the existing
embedded Linux roadmap to succeed.

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