
Platinum Sponsors

  • Intel
  • IBM

Gold Sponsors

  • NetApp

Silver Sponsors

  • HP
  • Google
  • MontaVista
  • Sandisk


  • Portland State University
  • Linux Foundation

Press Partners

  • Linux Journal
  • Linux Weekly News
  • Linux Pro Magazine

Sponsorship opportunities

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Angela Brown. Linux Plumbers Conf sponsorship packages.

Registration FAQ

Q: Why Should I attend Plumber's Conference?

A: Because it will be awesome! The Linux Plumbers Conference is the only US-based technical Linux conference. This year's conference takes place right after the 2008 Linux Kernel summit, so many of the well-known names in Linux kernel and plumbing development will be there. There is even a joint event with Kernel Summit attendees Tuesday night.

Q: How much does it cost and what does that cover?

A: $250 per person which covers all the conference tracks and events. This is great value when you compare it some other Linux events. Early bird registration ends Aug 18th; afterwards the price will be $300.

Q: Why should I register early?

A: Since this is the first year of the conference, we've started reasonably small at 350 places; if this turns out to be an underestimate, the conference will sell out early.

Q: Are refunds available?

A: Yes. Refunds are available to all attendees until August 15. Attendees selected to present or speak at the conference will have their conference fees refunded. After August 15, registration may be transferred to another person.

Q: Should I register early if I plan to submit a speaking proposal?

A: Yes. If your proposal is accepted, we'll refund the $250. Otherwise, you have until August 15 to get a refund.

Q: What do speakers get?

A: Free admission to the conference and events plus a lavish speaker's dinner to say thank you.

Q: My employer won't pay for this trip, is there any other source of funding available?

A: Yes, the conference has a limited number of bursaries covering the conference fee, hotel and airfare. Please email us at register@linuxplumbersconf.org with your needs and we will try to help.

Q: Can I bring my Spouse/Significant Other?

A: Yes, there's a guest package for $175

Q: Do I need a visa to get into the US?

A: See Temporary Visitors to the U.S.

Q: How do I get an official invitation to the conference for my visa application?

A: After you register, email register@linuxplumbersconf.org and we'll send you a pdf invitation letter you can print.